Nonverbal Communication is one of the soft skills that is extremely important for international students, especially those studying in a major that requires communication such as Business Administration, Hospitality Management. … Therefore, Lecturer MA. Nguyen Hong Uyen invited speaker Ms. Jenny Do, CEO of Shadow Entertainment, a person with a lot of experience in non-verbal communication and customer care came to exchange and share with NIIE students last November 5 in the Customer Service subject,
Before holding the current position of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Shadow Entertainment, Ms. Jenny Do has worked for many years in the field of media and hospitality for large enterprises in Switzerland and Vietnam.

Ms. Jenny Do started the workshop with the concept and importance of Nonverbal Communication.
At the beginning of the workshop, Ms. Jenny Do shared the concept and importance of non-verbal communication. Although this is non-verbal communication, it gives a lot of signals, through facial expressions, gestures, and paralinguistic forms such as loudness, tone of voice, body language, eye contacts… If used these signals, will complement the language, helping the listener easily understand the message you want to convey, and create confidence and clarity in communication. But if used incorrectly, it will create feelings of tension, lack of trust, and misleading.

Grooming” is one of the simplest and most subtle ways to show respect to the other party and yourself.
Next, Ms. Jenny Do share on the topic of “Grooming”, the neatness in clothes. This is one of the simplest and most subtle ways to show respect to the other person and to yourself. In this part, she introduced the students to the basic and formal outfits in the office environment. In addition, she also pointed out common dress mistakes that show a lack of professionalism. and reveal body defects.

Ms. Jenny Do feels very excited about the positive and dynamic attitude of NIIE students.
Finally, CEO Shadow Entertainment shared more deeply with NIIE students about Body Language. In this topic, she analyzed the similarities and differences between Body Language and Nonverbal Communication, along with answering questions for students:
– How to be confident and show confidence in communicating?
– How to know if the other party is telling the truth or lying?
– How not use language that the other party can still understand?
Through eye contact, face, smile, hand gestures, and communication posture. In addition, it is a way for you to practice more about Body Language through observing and analyzing behavior in daily life.
Although the workshop only lasted for 3 hours, it brought a lot of knowledge and soft skills that everyone needs to equip, especially in the field of Customer Service. How did you feel about the workshop? Please share to let the Institute know!