As part of the Business Law course, this morning, Business Management students – the Pearson BTEC 17th Grade Program had a study tour at Victory Law Firm LLC, in order to have some practical experiences from the industry that they had chosen.
Victory LLC is a law firm specializing in business law, formed by a team of experienced lawyers and consultants working in the international legal environment. The main activity of Victory LLC is providing legal support to businesses in developing business projects and promoting goods and services in Vietnam and other international markets.
Visiting the Victory LLC, NIIE students learnt about the firm’s operations, legal systems, and legal aspects that affect business operations. During the visit, students also have the chance interacted with Mr. Tran Viet Dung – Founder of Victory LLC, who is very enthusiastic to share all the answers of all the inquiries for our students.With the model of school connecting business, NIIE provide for the students the access to the real working environment very early.
Therefore, they can have accumulated a lot of useful knowledge and established relationships with prospective employers.